2002: Processing the (pre)proposal; translation of a short booklet for the information of interested parties; development of a strategy how to make know possibly interested parties of the project; planning of the concrete overall schedule concerning the workshops, practical probation, documentation, research activities, evaluation and so on for all partners.
End of 2004: Trial-workshops for all interested parties in all participating countries, where people can check out, if this way would be fertile and practicable for them and for us, if these people would be able to do it, be good multiplicators and fit in the group:
2005: Carrying out of three six-day-long workshops containing three daily units of 150 minutes in all countries; between those blocks participants should practice, what they experienced being coached by the national partners also finding out the next steps necessary to optimise their work collecting experiences with the translation of the ideas into action in the field of praxis.
2006: Evaluation by the partners together with the participants; in three two-days-workshops in each country we shall reflect the experiences and work out practical steps and theoretical underlying adding missing links in those fields that the partners transmitted as being of interest for the optimisation of the work;
End 2006: Convention of all participants and partner organisations learning from the others experiences; presentation of teaching examples; publication of the consolidated curricula, research results, media, presentation of documented parts in the different countries, first dissemination activities; application of the curriculum in schools and other centres.
From 2007 on: Continuous process of learning from each others experience and optimising the curriculum.