
The author Dr. D. Kappert studied psychology and dance in Germany, the USA and Haiti. He has been promoted on the relation between dance training, artistic expression and personal development. As a manager for the institute of dance- and movement dynamics in Austria,
Germany and Poland he published several books and CDs. He expressed and thought his visions as professor at Göttingen University, in certificate studies on national level for the "DPWV" (german welfare and health care organisation), the "UnionFrancaise pour le Sport Adapté", as a guest professor at the Universitas Sportiva Guyaquil (Ecuador) and the Universitas de Las Palmas (Gran Canaria). In 1999 he was leading co-ordinator of the dance education department and general scientific supervisor
ofMUS-E (multicultural and social school project for Europe) sponsored by the government of NRW and the Yehudi Menuhin Foundation. His approach was taught in various countries as Ecuador, Austria, France, Poland, Spain and Germany for very different target groups as for example university students, senior people, professional dancers, prisoners and on cruise ships. It has practical success in the field of professional formation, is scientifically based, (promotion), acknowledged (congresses) and detailed documented in literature.
